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Jul 10, 2015

Dieng craters

Dieng craters
Dieng plateau located between the districts Banjarnegara and Wonosobo. To visit dieng can reach 3 hours of Jogjakarta or 2 hours of Purwokerto. Dieng plateau is like a cluster of large volcanoes and in the region spread hundreds of craters both big and small. Dieng Plateau is a very fertile region that today almost every angle of Dieng and the surrounding area has been massively exploited until large areas of forest cleared for agriculture.
Farmers in the Dieng Plateau, utilizing forest land as vegetable farming, despite its sloping land but there vegetables thrive, even be able to supply the market that are in Banjarnegara, Wonosobo and Yogyakarta.
As one of the plants that are well known there is purwaceng.

Dieng name is derived from the Sanskrit is "in", which means place, and "Hyang" which means god creator. Overall Dieng can be interpreted as the abode of the gods. While the people around often means that Dieng derived from the word "edi" which means beautiful in the Java language, and "aeng" which means strange. In other words Dieng is a beautiful place but it has a lot of peculiarities.
Located at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level, Dieng people should be grateful for the abundant riches bestowed on their land beautiful and exotic.

Arjuna temple complex which is the oldest Hindu temple in Java still standing upright in the middle of whipping time and weather, be evidence of the cultural heritage of exceptional richness. Although some parts of the temple began to wear out with age, but the worship of Lord Shiva temple, built in 809 AD It has remained firm stand to give the feel of peace in the midst of natural silence of the mountains.

The extreme cold weather for a region located in tropical regions has led to a lifestyle and a unique style of dress of the inhabitants. Temperatures during the day range between 15-20 degrees Celsius while in the evening ranging from 10 degrees Celsius. In July and August temperatures can reach 0 degrees Celsius during the day and -10 degrees Celsius at night.
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Although it has been for centuries asleep, but Dieng has several volcanic craters are still active until now. One of the most interesting is Sikidan crater is said to have a hobby jump and move where.

Sikidang Crater
Crater Sikidang give other shades on tourism Dieng. Fresh green natural scenery suddenly vanished into the compound of this crater. As far as the eye can see, only a barren stretch of land surrounded by hills with an ongoing smoldering far away at the other end. A few meters from the entrance there is a warning sign that you are careful in their stride, as well as the ban to light a fire and throw cigarette butts.
Because the crater that appears there are still active, and when we put the egg on top of the crater is still steaming eggs too can be directly in food.
Walking in this crater is not to be indiscriminate. You have to be careful and seek dry ground to set foot. Crater holes are everywhere. In some places the soil looks wet with turbulent boiling water. These soils dangerous when dipijak as very fragile and prone to landslides. Feels very pungent smell of sulfur. The farther walk, smell was getting stronger and nose piercing. A middle-aged woman standing in the middle of the barren desert wearing a hat and cover your nose. A sack spread with chunks of sulfur neatly arranged on top. The stones were sold to visitors as souvenirs Sikidang Crater. This crater is still a haven for people who depend on mining activities brimstone. Although the smell was overpowering, but containing sulfur vapor is believed efficacious for smoothing the skin and eliminate acne.

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