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Indrayanti Beach

Indrayanti Beach, this beach name sounds a little strange, because his name is similar to the name of the woman of Java. The beach is located in the hamlet Ngasem, Tepus village, Gunung Kidul is also adjacent to other popular destinations in Gunung Kidul in Yogyakarta, such as Baron and Krakal.
Indrayanti Beach location is located right on the east side Sundak. Both are limited by coral hills. Indarayati beach offers a beautiful panorama of unique compared to other beaches in Gunung Kidul. Not only the enchanting landscape of white sand or rocks magnificent hills, crystal clear blue sea water looks clean as invites tourists to swim and mingle in it.
The sea water is indeed true Indrayanti beach clean, clear, and natural because it has not been contaminated by a variety of waste. This is because the audience of the trip always liked to swim and play water in the Indrayanti Beach.
But you also have to be careful in Turkish Indrayanti because the beach is quite South Beach, the waves are known to be very large, so visitors are required to be cautious, but the tension will end when we have arrived at the beach Indrayanti, because of its very beautiful scenery and ready to pamper the eyes of every visitor.

Way to the beach Indrayanti was amazing, because you will pass through the mountains Reef, because the access road there flanked by rocks, besides the beauty of others is Teak Tree Gardens were very heavy, and if you go there you should choose the right time ie in morning, because if the daytime weather in Indrayanti Coast region is very hot.

The Story Behind the Name Beach "Indrayanti"
Giving the name of Gunung Indarayanti beach is taken from the name of the owner of a restaurant in the area. It started on the nameplate "Indrayanti" display in front of the restaurant so that then people are more familiar with the coast as Indrayanti Beach.
This naming was controversial because Gunungkidul government has given the name of the beach, the Beach Home Shawwal. However, the name Indrayanti already familiar in the ears of local people and tourists. In the end, the famous beach in Yogyakarta most clean is more popularly known as Indrayanti Beach.
Active role of private parties who took part in the management of Indrayanti Beach Gunung enough positive impact. It can be seen from the coastal areas are conducive overall cleanliness, even up along the shoreline free of litter.
It is not without cause. The manager of the beach did not hesitate to impose fines or penalties on the visitors who throw litter. This is one reason behind the Yogyakarta Indarayanti beach cleanliness.
Comfort and cleanliness are mission managers to keep the beach tourist area Indrayanti not dirty. A thing of course exemplary by many natural tourist areas and beaches in Indonesia. It also helped foster and enhance the self-awareness of the tourists to not only satisfy the ego alone travel, but participated maintain the cleanliness of nature.
Indrayanti coast beaches although still relatively new in Gunung Kidul, but adequate facilities available, such as the Jet Sky Gazebo and games that can be rented by the tourists to enjoy the panoramic beauty of the beach from the other side.
After bersky you can relax in the gazebo located on the shore while enjoying a meal and drinks while enjoying the beautiful scenery in the offshore.
This beach has clean white sand stretching along the coast are short of around 250 m, so for this from the corner along the coast west to east corner does not require a long time.
In the west of the entrance patai there are mountain rocks are quite large and very charming and behind the mountains there are clean white sandy beaches stretching beautiful and amazing.

 Indrayanti beach is located adjacent to Sundak precisely in the Village Sidoharjo, District Tepus, Kabupatan Gunung Yogyakarta. If taken from Yogyakarta this beach is more than 70 km and takes about 2 hours.

 Facilities provided at the beach is quite complete covering
• Cottage Inn.
• Bathrooms
• Gazebo
• The cottage panggunng
• Musholla
• Parking lot
• And others
Food and drinks are provided in the restaurant at the beach is like:
• Fish grilled / fried
• Chicken grilled / fried
• Ice coconut
• Ice Orange

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