Pura Tirta Empul Located in District Tampaksiring, Gianyar, which is famous for its sacred water where Hindu Balinese people seek purification. Siring better known as a temple called Tirta Empul.

Told that King Mayadenawa being arbitrary and not allow people to carry out religious ceremonies to beg salvation from God Almighty. After the act is known by the Gods, then the gods headed by Indra Bhatara attack Mayadenawa. Mayadenawa defeated and fled to the north village Looks siring. With his power he created a toxic spring of Lord Indra result irregulars who chased fall from drinking the water. Seeing this spear of Lord Indra immediately plugged and "water out of the ground" (Tirta Empul). Holy water is used splatter the gods so that not a long time to live again as usual.
Siring footprint name taken from Mayadenawa who run the palms denang kakai oblique, to remove traces of god troops senses, but senses god with supernatural powers Mayadenawa can be found as well.
In addition to the temple, where it houses the presidential palace that was founded by the first president of Indonesia, Sukarno IR as his resting place while visiting Bali. Siring palace in the wake of years of 1957-1960.
Construction of the presidential palace Looks siring done slowly and undergo stages. Artiktek who designed the presidential palace is RM Soedarsono. Start building built in 1957 is a guest house and homestead Yudistira Merdeka.
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